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Logo Guidelines

Do’s & Don’ts

✅ Ensure adequate clear-space surrounding the logo by keeping it free from other logos, graphics, imagery, or type.

✅ When writing Flavorist, always capitalize the F and keep all other text lowercase.

✅ When writing our name Flavorist in a sentence, do not use a period (.) at the end of the name (simply write it as Flavorist).

🚫 Never write our name as FLAVORIST, flavorist, Flavor-ist, or any other variation.

🚫 Do not stretch, flip, squish, color, distort, crop, or change the Flavorist logo in any way.

🚫 Do not adjust the transparency or opacity of the Flavorist logo.

🚫 Do not apply drop shadows or other effects to the Flavorist logo.

🚫 Do not edit, outline, or reconfigure the Flavorist logo.